Morningside Quaker Meeting


The Friends Conference on Religion and Psychology Announces its Annual Memorial Day Weekend Conference [on Zoom]

The 79th annual—and second virtual—Friends Conference on Religion and Psychology will meet on Zoom over Memorial Day weekend, May 28-30 to explore The Alchemy of an Extraordinary Year and Its Potential for Personal Transformation

FCRP is a nonprofit Quaker organization that explores spiritual growth and the journey to wholeness through in-depth psychology, specifically Jungian psychology, and other spiritual practices and body-soul integration work. The past year has been one in which we all lost something, including a sense of safety. This conference will focus on sorting through the inner experiences of what the challenging months we’ve all endured in an effort to discern light in the darkness.

Our plenary speakers are Marian Dunlea, M.Sc., IAAP, ICP, a Jungian analyst, author, and head of the Marion Woodman Foundation’s Body Soul Training in Europe. Marion calls her somatically focused therapeutic techniques “BodyDreaming. She will explain how neuroscience, analytical psychology, attachment theory, and trauma therapy figure in the work she does—and show us techniques to transform engrained patterns of thought and behavior.

Monika Wikman, Ph.D., is also a Jungian analyst and author, as well as an astrologer and dream researcher. Monika will explain how delving into the dark corners of the unconscious can help us connect to a broader universe of who we are. She will enlist our active imaginations to lead us on an “alchemical journey through the Underworld to discern the soul’s true aim in chaos.”

You can learn more about our speakers here:

There are four plenary talks and three sessions of the interest group you choose from among these options: deep meditation/relaxation techniques; body-soul movement; discussion of the plenaries; visioning with art materials and movement; personal exploration of a myth; reflective writing; and a deeper look at routine habits of thought that keep us from flourishing. (You stay with the same group throughout the weekend.) For the schedule of events, please click here:

The cost of our conference is $85, but we also have a sliding scale for those who are facing financial challenges. Additionally, we have a scholarship option which eliminates fees almost entirely.