Morningside Quaker Meeting

Announcements for the Week of May 22-28, 2023

Meeting for Worship

Morningside Meeting will hold our next meeting for worship on May 28 at 11 a.m.: a hybrid in-person/remote meeting for worship, followed by afterwords, announcements, and introductions of visitors and those new to Morningside. The virtual meeting room will be open at 10:45 a.m. for Friends and attenders to begin to gather. If you are new to Morningside, or not on the email list, and wish to attend, please email:

You are invited to join Morningsiders for breakfast this Sunday in the Riverside Cafe, Riverside Church, at 9:30 am. Just select your breakfast and tell the cashier you are with the Quakers and the meeting picks up the tab. It’s a lovely time to get to know one another, to ask questions and to get ready for the day. Please join us!

We welcome children to come to Meeting with Children on the 13th floor on Sundays from 11:00 until shortly before noon. If you have any questions, please email

For those who wish to participate at Morningside worship in person, please note the following:

  • In-person Meeting for Worship will occur at Riverside Church on the 12th Floor.
  • At this time, masks are welcome but optional for in-person worship.

Morningside Meeting Ministry and Counsel is a committee charged with the pastoral care of the meeting. Members are available to answer questions about Quakerism, about Friends Meeting, and to provide support. To reach the committee, please email:

The full text of Faith and Practice, the Book of Discipline of the New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends can be found at