Communications Committee
The committee is first and foremost focused on helping Morningside members and attenders and distant Friends maintain a sense of community via email, newsletters, the site, mailings, and other forms of communication.
We meet on a regular basis to ensure that we’re helping Morningsiders with their communication needs, whether it involves writing monthly newsletters to assisting with a zoom meeting set-up.
We maintain an up-to-date roster of all members & attenders with the help and guidance of Ministry & Counsel. That roster is shared with the meeting on a yearly basis via email and mail delivery.
We regularly review the website and other digital means of communication so that those avenues are delivering important information to Friends within the meeting.
We help the clerk, other committees, and individual Friends with their communication needs, such as assisting with zoom meeting scheduling, sending out emails, etc.
We keep our focus on delivering important information about the meeting and Quakerism so that the Meeting maintains its spiritual life.
We manage the meeting’s social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, making sure that they reflect our Quaker values and testimonies.
We listen to Friends and help them find ways of promoting messages important to Quakers.